Come with a Question. Leave with a Solution.

variables constants

JavaScript 10 months ago
Understanding Var, Let, and Const: When & How to Use Them in JavaScript

Key differences among var, let & const in JavaScript, covering scope, hoisting, best practices


error handling

JavaScript 10 months ago
How to Check if a Variable or Constant is Defined in JavaScript

Safely check if a variable/constant is defined in JavaScript & best practices to avoid errors



JavaScript 10 months ago
Why typeof Returns 'Object' for JavaScript Arrays

Learn why typeof returns 'object' for JavaScript arrays & correct way to check if a value is an array


responsive web design

CSS 10 months ago
CSS Flexbox - Step By Step Guide to Building Responsive Layouts

The Complete Guide to CSS Flexbox for Modern Web Design


web design responsive design

CSS 10 months ago
Commonly Used CSS Breakpoints for Responsive Design Across Devices

A Guide to CSS Breakpoints: Making Your Website Responsive Across All Devices


web design frontend development

CSS 11 months ago
Viewport vs Screen Resolution: Key Differences, Sizes & Media Queries for Popular Devices

Viewport sizes & CSS media queries for optimizing websites across devices for responsive layouts


Error Handling

JavaScript 11 months ago
3 Ways to Check if a Function is Defined in JavaScript

Learn how to check if a function is defined in JavaScript to avoid runtime errors & improve code reliability


clean code programming

clean code 11 months ago
Why the Book 'Clean Code' is Essential Reading for Every Developer

Introduction & review of book "Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship" by Robert C. Martin